Friday, March 28, 2014

Let's decrease Abortions! Adoption is always an option!

Unplanned pregnancy happens every day to women of all ages. Many of these women can handle the pressure that surrounds them and the journey that they are about to experience with a new born child. However, what happens to those who are not ready to take that responsibility? “Abortion” is the first thing that comes to mind for these women who are not able to raise a child on their own. Abortion is not an easy topic to discuss about especially when everyone has their own beliefs about keeping or getting rid of a baby because even though is not fully developed in the beginning, is still a human being who deserves the gift of life, at least I believe so. Yes, every woman has the right do as they please with their own body but abortion is not always the solution to these problems. If women had a little bit more support on how? Maybe abortion wouldn’t occur as much as it does today for example adoption can be an option. Adopting can reduce the number of abortions, if these women knew that once their child was born they would have no responsibility towards that baby because they would have found a home by then. This would also help a lot of these mothers who go through the process of an abortion and later in life regret it feeling guilt for the rest of their lives.

Adopting is not an easy process especially here in Texas. For example, according to The Texas Adoption Resource Exchange, besides the regular requirements of being over 21, be financially stable, criminal history background check, proof of marriage or divorce, you must also obtain a CPR/First Aid Certification, attend 20 and plus hours of training about abused/neglect and how to care for a child each year and other long long requirements added to this list. I understand why so much is required but it’s a little ridiculous to come and ask for a first aid certification when not even the actual birth parents have that, I mean that’s why there is hospitals provided in case of an emergency right? I’m not stating that is easy for someone to come and just say that they want to care for a child that is not even theirs and atomically handing a child to them but giving the chance for a child to have a home sounds more human than just letting them die when these mothers don’t want them and seek towards an abortion. There’s couple’s out there who are willing to give anything to have a baby and actually care for them and love them as if it was their own. Having some type of counseling and connection with the mothers and the adoptive parents throughout mothers pregnancy, to support her can allow a bigger chance of survival for many of these unwanted babies.

My problem with abortion is that when someone doesn’t desire a baby but knows the consequences of their actions should think clearly about actually going through an abortion. We all make mistakes and should take responsibility for them; we can’t go around and be selfish when there is a life growing inside that never asked to be brought into this world in the first place. But some of these women either don’t care or feel like they are alone; I believe there should be some type of group and/or organization at these abortion clinics that are willing to help with these adoption processes. I’m sure there would be millions of people who would be interested in taking a baby into their home and mothers agreeing to it. I definitely would be one of them! 

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